Monday, August 2, 2010

Tearful Goodbye

Today was a long bittersweet day for our group. We left Guatemala this morning at 4 AM (6 AM PA time)and got back to the church at 8 PM. Our flights down and back could not have gone any smoother for us. Getting 26 people through check-in, security, and customs in no small task but we glided through all those spots, except Brad. They had to call in back up to confirm that the picture on his passport was actually him. Who knew he once had hair. :)
While I know we are all glad to be back home and united with our families I feel that it is safe to say that we all left a piece of our hearts in Guatemala. We will never forget the many faces that we saw this past week. From the orphans, the ORI staff, Javier (son of the guest house manager), and our team. Many friendships were made that will last a long time. Our team had amazing unity. It is ridiculous that it takes traveling to Guatemala to bond with people you go to church with. Many tears were shed in the Manheim BIC parking lot as we said goodbye tonight.
There are definitely things we were looking forward to....being able to flush toilet paper, using cell phones, roads with less crazy drivers, and sleeping in our own beds minus the roosters that don't know you only crow in the morning.
We give God all the credit for the wonderful trip we had. I know that our lives are forever changed because of this trip. There is a much bigger world outside of Maneheim and we all need to be aware of this. Thanks to all of you who prayed for us while we were gone. We felt them and we know that is why our trip was so smooth.
I hope to get some pictures posted in the next day or two so check back to see them.
In closing, I will leave with this quote Brad read to us in devos one morning.
"Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
Karen B.

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