Sunday, November 9, 2008

Preparing for our trip

We are all excited about opportunity we have to go and visit a another country and be able to show God's love to the people and especially the children there. We have lots of prep to do before we go. Between the 8 of us I believe we got 25 travel shots. When Mariah heard that she needed 3 shots before we went she thought that maybe she would just stay at home. She changed her mind and all of the kids did really good. We also had passports to get for the kids and of course all of the travel arrangements which were made by our "agent" Lane.

We also thought it would be great to be able to take some hygeine packs along to hand out when we visit different villages. These packs consist of a towel, washcloth, soap, comb, toothbrush, & toothpaste. So we sent out a request to our family and friends and before we knew it we had enough items to make over 150 packs. Plus we bought multiple packs of diapers & wipes, children's books & videos in Spanish to give the orphanages. A big thank you to all that participated in this project. We are hoping that the container they were shipped on will arrive before we do but it is being held up and at this point that doesn't look like it will happen.

Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and spend time in Guatemala. We will try to post to this blog daily if possible and share our experiences.

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